BRG Scientific

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BRG Scientific publishes scholarly works of the highest intellectual quality.  We strive to reach technical audiences as well as curious, non-technical readers wishing to expand the horizons of their knowledge. 


BRG Scientific is driven by quality of scholarship not by volume of sales. We place priority on books showcasing the topics of ecology, natural history, evolution, animal behavior, and comparative biology. 


BRG Scientific recognizes that rigorous, high-quality science can also be pleasing to the eye and soul; we believe that beautiful and informative graphic illustrations complement and enhance the written narrative.

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Carving Nature at Its Joints
Theodore I. Grand & Carol Underwood

Associate in Research & Pathology (retired)
National Zoological Park 

Associate Specialist (retired)
UC Santa Cruz 

Table of Contents & Preface

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Sample Plates

Sample Figures

A Camera Trapper's Companion

Chris Wemmer

Honorary Fellow, California Academy of Sciences
Scientist Emeritus, Smithsonian National Zoological Park

Essential reading for anyone interested in camera trap
photography of wildlife

Table of Contents &  Chapter 1

Available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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Hardbound ($64.99)
Paperback ($44.99)

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Video Flip-through the Book

What the Reviewers are Saying

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Substance Over Style: A Field Guide to Leadership in Higher Education

Donald DeHayes

Provost Emeritus
University of Rhode Island

Empower Your Evolution as a University Leader

Book Web Site

Available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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Hardbound ($37.99)
Paperback ($31.99)

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Napatree Point:
A Decade of Stewardship

Peter August, Janice Sassi & Daniel Cole

University of Rhode Island, Natural Resources Science
The Watch Hill Conservancy

Ecology and stewardship of a pristine coastal New England ecosystem

Available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Buy direct from the printer (best price)
Hardbound ($56.99)

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What the Reviewers are Saying
Review by CT Senator W. Nickerson

Meet the Authors

Majesty, Power, and Resilience:
A Photographic Essay of the American West

Vince Warren


"I feel a deep connection with the wildlife and the landscapes of the American west. I’ve been connecting with the coast, forests, rangelands, and deserts for more than fifty years. I think people who look at these images will feel the same way."

Early Reviews:  "I am a native Oregonian, proud of everything the northwest has to offer! I have been an admirer and even a collector of Vince Warren' work although I can't compete with a friend: he has 2.5'X3' prints all over his house! Having the span of Vince's studies leaves me 'almost' speechless: his TLC to old buildings, the arid southwest, the waterfalls and closed forest odors, his animals. Now, much in one place with some description of what he saw that captured him."   Diana Hillis, The Dalles, Oregon 

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Coming Soon

Spirit of Nature: Field Notes on Natural History of Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge
Brian Miller

Conservation Biologist
Rio Mora Refuge

"This book provides a history of how the Wind River Ranch in northeastern New Mexico became the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge.  The ecology, phenology and natural history of this dramatic landscape are described in colorful detail."